Is fear of catching covid a philosophical belief?

Is fear of catching covid a philosophical belief? Once again, Government guidance is saying ‘work from home if you can’. But this situation won’t last forever, and there will come a time when employees are invited to go back to the workplace. Are you scared of going back to work in case you catch Covid-19 …

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Do I have to return to the office after working from home?

“Do I have to return to the office after working from home?” With employers starting to ask employees to come back to the workplace, this question might be on your mind. They are allowed to ask as it counts as a ‘reasonable management request’ – and you have to comply with those when your contract …

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Can My Employer Insist That I Get a COVID-19 Vaccine?

We have received many queries recently about the Covid-19 vaccination and whether employers are entitled to insist on their staff receiving it. Below we have answered some of the commonly asked questions: Can my employer insist on me being vaccinated? In short, probably not. Other than the impending change in the law in England for …

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Our professional guide to being dismissed during the pandemic

Our professional guide to being dismissed during the pandemic Being dismissed is bad enough anytime, and potentially even worse during the pandemic. However, if your employer doesn’t have a justifiable reason for dismissing you, or they haven’t followed the proper process, you may be able to make a claim against them and win compensation. Here …

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Covid: Simple guide on returning to work post-pandemic

Covid: Simple guide on returning to work post-pandemic On 19 July, the work-from-home guidance ended in England, along with the requirement to wear masks and the rule of six. At the same time, nightclubs  reopened, and sports stadiums and theatres can return to full capacity. Until that date, the official guidance remained ‘work from home …

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Covid: Working from home – a professional guide to your rights

Covid: Working from home – a professional guide to your rights Do you have questions about Covid, working from home, returning to work, and your rights? This professional guide includes our answers. As the Covid pandemic continues, the UK vaccine programme is rolling out, and the end of furlough scheme is in sight. You might …

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Covid: Work life after furlough – A simple employees’ guide

Covid-19 has affected us all, and many employees are wondering what work life will be like after furlough. So here’s our simple guide for employees, including topics to discuss with your employer before you go back to work. Government guidelines Current government guidelines state that you should: Work from home if possible If you have …

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“Do I have to work if there is a Covid risk?”

“Do I have to work if there is a Covid risk?” Many people are asking themselves that question. If you lose your job because you refuse to go to into the workplace because you believe it’s unsafe, you might be able to claim for automatic unfair dismissal. That’s what Mr Rogers below did however he …

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Have you been shielding?

If you have a health condition that means you’ve been labelled “clinically extremely vulnerable” to coronavirus, you’ve probably been shielding for the past year or so, unable to go to work as usual. The vaccine programme is now rolling out across the UK, and more than 9/10 people in the same health category as you …

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Can my boss insist I get vaccinated?

Can your boss insist you get vaccinated against Covid-19? You’re no doubt aware that the Covid-19 vaccination programme is being rolled out worldwide. Hopefully, this will lead to the end of disruption caused by the pandemic. Until then, we all still need to maintain Covid-secure workplaces and behaviours. Choosing whether or not to accept the …

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About Us

Employment Law Solicitors Belfast & Newcastle
Paul Doran Law - The Solicitors For
Employees In Belfast And Newcastle

Employment Law Solicitors Belfast & Newcastle
Paul Doran Law - The Solicitors For Employees In Belfast And Newcastle

Paul Doran Law are employment law specialists who only act for employees and claimants who find themselves in dispute with their employees. we specialise in assisting employees to ensure that we can obtain the best results for you.

Our solicitors are admitted to the roll in England and Wales and we can act for clients in the Employment Tribunals in Northern Ireland and Scotland.