“I lost my job due to discrimination: Can I sue?”

If you believe you were discriminated against when you lost your job, you may wonder whether you can make a claim against your employer for unfair dismissal.

The short answer is yes – but you must act quickly. The time limit is generally three months minus one day from the date you were dismissed.

What’s the legal position?

The legislation that covers this situation is the Equality Act 2010. It protects you against discrimination because of:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage / civil partnership
  • Pregnancy / maternity
  • Race
  • Religion / belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation

No one is allowed to discriminate, harass or victimise you…

  • for having any of the protected characteristics
  • because they perceive you to have one of the protected characteristics
  • because you associate with someone who has a protected characteristic

Have you been discriminated against?

There are four types of discrimination.

  • Direct discrimination: Your employer must not treat you differently or worse than someone else because you have a protected characteristic. You will need to compare your treatment with someone in a similar situation who does not share the same protected characteristic – this person is called the ‘comparator’.
  • Indirect discrimination: Unless they can objectively justify it, your employer must not put a rule or policy in place that has a worse impact on people with a protected characteristic than it does on everyone else.
  • Harassment: No one should behave in a way that violates your dignity, nor create a hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment.
  • Victimisation: No one should treat you unfavourably because you are taking action under the Equality Act or supporting someone else to do so.

Is discrimination ever legal?

 Sometimes. When there is a good enough reason, it’s known as ‘objective justification’.

To win the case, your employer must show that the discrimination was a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim, such as:

  • Health, safety and welfare
  • Running an efficient service
  • Business requirements

 It’s been more than three months. Can I still lodge a claim?

In certain circumstances, the Employment Tribunal may consider it ‘just and equitable’ to extend the timeframe. However, this happens very rarely, so we recommend you make your claim within the three-month limit, if possible.

Don’t wait until the last minute. Get help fast!

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For a FREE assessment of your claim, call 0808 168 7288 or fill in the contact form on the top right of this page.

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Employment Law Solicitors Belfast & Newcastle
Paul Doran Law - The Solicitors For
Employees In Belfast And Newcastle

Employment Law Solicitors Belfast & Newcastle
Paul Doran Law - The Soklicitors For Employees In Belfast And Newcastle

Paul Doran Law are employment law specialists who only act for employees and claimants who find themselves in dispute with their employees. we specialise in assisting employees to ensure that we can obtain the best results for you.

Our solicitors are admitted to the roll in England and Wales and we can act for clients in the Employment Tribunals in Northern Ireland and Scotland.